Welcome to HKSKH MH Library

The Library of the College came into official use when the newly renovated College was dedicated on 27th September 1997. Named after the chief benefactor Mrs Lai-Wong Yan-lin, the library houses a number of electronic resources and printed materials on the topics of Christianity, theology, philosophy, church history and humanities. The Library occupies two levels in the building with a study area and five main collection areas: Circulation Collection, Audio-Visual Collection, Periodical Collection, Reference Collection and Special Collection. Most of the Circulation and AV Collections can be checked out. The Library has Wi-Fi and computer facilities that are available in the Library or users can bring their own notebooks/hand-held devices to access various electronic resources. To help users to take full advantage of the library resources and to develop their digital literacy, the Library organizes library workshops on a regular basis.
The new Online Library Catalogue (Didache) was launched in September 2013. With this system, users can discover both printed and electronic resources with a one-stop search interface as well as being able to renew their borrowed items or make a reservation etc. The Library is continuing to develop its collections and services, so that more resources and library workshops will become available.