Academic writing Research methods
Here are some books for you to start with:
- 楊小松。《學術硏究方法與論文寫作》。香港: 宣道出版社, 2005.
- 謝志偉、王慧玉譯。《混合方法研究導論》(Designing and conducting mixed methods research), 台北 : 心理出版社股份有限公司, 2010.
- 范胡澤主編(Vanhoozer, Kevin J) 。岑紹麟譯。《神學釋經詞典》 (Dictionary for theological interpretation of the Bible)。香港: 漢語聖經協會, 2014.
- Cohen, Louis. Research methods in education, London: Routledge, 2011.
- Heppner, P. Paul. Writing and publishing your thesis, dissertation, and research:a guide for students in the helping professions. Belmont, CA: Thomson, Brooks/Cole, 2004.
- Swinton, John and Harrie Mowatt. Practical theology and qualitative research, London: SCM Press, 2006.
Citing Sources & avoiding plagiarism
- If you use the work or ideas of others without giving proper credit, you are committing plagiarism.
- It is important to get the correct and full citation in order to avoid plagiarism.
- Citation is needed for any resource used in your paper, and a complete citation includes all the information for tracking down a source. For example, basic information of the item (books, journal articles, or website, etc.) such as author, date of publication, publisher, etc. are needed for citation. For journal articles, both the title of the individual article and the title of the journal in which is published, and the exact volume and issue of the journal should be included.
- MH college suggests using the Chicago Citation Style, about which you may learn more by using the handbook of The Chicago manual of style. MH Library has two copies available (Call No: Z 253 .U69 2010). One is on the regular loan bookshelf and the other copy is on the reference book shelf. Also, you can check with the website of Chicago Citation Style
Some citation software may also help you. Currently, MH library has available EndNote.